HELP US STOP GREENWOOD CONSTRUCTION FROM CHANGING THIS                                      ---->


Greenwood Construction Ltd, a family owned aggregate company based in Orangeville, Ontario has accumulated 410 acres of prime farmland located in the rolling hills of Mono, Ontario.


Greenwood Construction intends to do open pit mining on these lands, which are currently zoned as rural residential.  The company will need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the Mono Municipal Government for an Aggregate License, Official Plan Amendment and Zoning change.


Protect Mono, a non-profit organization established in April 2014 for the protection of farmland, water, and the health and safety of citizens of the Town of Mono, plans to oppose the Greenwood Applications. 


Protect Mono’s objective is to ensure that Mono prime farmland is preserved; that Mono wells continue to produce potable water; that Mono country roads are not overburdened with heavy trucks; that hikers, cyclists, school busses and residents can travel safely on Mono roads; that air and noise pollution does not increase; and that aggregate recycling does not take place on the Greenwood land. 


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